Do Tell Productions -- Creating high quality film and thater works of social and cultural significance
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Welcome to our new website

Welcome to our new website. Take some time and look around. You can see work-in-progress trailers for Parting the Waters and also Niel and Phil. You can sign up for our mailing list. You can read about our projects. Check out the pull-out on our film from the article about swimming and diversity in the New York Times PLAY Magazine.

The USA Swimming Olympic Trials are in just a month, and we’ll be there — filming Cullen Jones and the 13-year old sensation Lia Neal as they compete for slots on the men’s and women’s Olympic swim teams.

As we head into the final months of filming, we’ve been traveling a lot, and will keep on until August. We have filmed in Austin, Boston, Toledo, Ft. Lauderdale, Athens (Georgia), and San Pedro Sula, Honduras this Spring — and in the upcoming months we’ll be in Charlotte, North Carolina filming Cullen Jones swim in one of the last meets before the Olympic Trials. We’ll also be filming in Boston, New Jersey, New York, Toledo, and Washington DC. If we’re coming your way, give us a shout.

Jenny’s mother passed away on April 15. Ann was a great fan of our creative work, and particularly had a soft spot for Parting the Waters because she was the swimming instructor at the Harvard Roxbury Day Camp — a summer program that Jenny attended as a child. We invite you to read her obituary in the Boston Globe.

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