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Olympic Trials Morning 6 … the afterglow

Check this out! When swimmers make the Olympic team, their names stream down behind the medals stand in water drops infused with green dye.

Green Cullen

Green Jones

Here’s Cullen on the jumbotron after he accepted his place on the team. He told the world that he wants to help increase the numbers of minorities in swimming.

Cullen on jumbotron

Here’s a close-up of Cullen after he accepted his place on the Olympic team.

Cullen Olympic smile

As Cullen, Jason, and Adrian headed into their press conference, someone told Cullen he was supposed to throw his teddy bear into the stands. He said, “Oh no. This is for my mom.”

Cullen, Jason, Adrian

And finally, here’s Cullen at his press conference.

Cullen at press conference

Then it was off to get a good night’s sleep, so he could wake up and swim his 50 meter free preliminary race this morning. As usual, you can watch his race at Also — check for all the other swimmers you’ve met on this blog. Lia swims again Saturday morning.

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