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Pool Boots Kids Who Might “Change the Complexion”

Today a story broke that a group of young summer campers from North Philadelphia were denied access to a private swimming pool because of their race.

The president of the pool felt free to justify the fact that his facility turned away the campers by saying, “There was concern that a lot of kids would change the complexion and the atmosphere of the club.”

Despite the devastating effects of his words and actions on the sixty children and their families, there is hope in the form of an outpouring of support. NBC Philadelphia reports that the summer camp accepted the invitation of Girard College to host the children in their swimming facilities.

To paraphrase Eric Ward from his recent blog post, let us continue to create a world in which we break down the institutional barriers that youth of color face when it comes to swimming — and also lift the weights of psychological racism that can drag our children down as well.

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